
Teen suicide: What parents need to know

What are the risk factors for teen suicide?

A teen might feel suicidal due to certain life circumstances such as:

  • Having a psychiatric disorder, such as depression, an anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder or oppositional defiant disorder
  • Family history of mood disorder, suicide or suicidal behavior
  • History of physical or sexual abuse or exposure to violence or bullying
  • A substance use disorder
  • Access to means, such as firearms or medications
  • Exposure to the suicide of a family member or friend
  • Loss of or conflict with close friends or family members
  • Physical or medical issues, such as changes related to puberty or a chronic illness
  • Being lesbian, gay, bisexual or any other sexual minority youth
  • Being adopted

Children who have attempted suicide in the past are also at greater risk.

In the U.S., suicide attempts are more common in adolescent girls than boys. But boys are more likely to die by suicide than are girls.

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